Wheelchairs and cushions

Wheelchairs are a common commodity today.  Patients have access to a number of wheelchairs and suppliers to choose from.  It is important to note that the purchase of a wheelchair is an expensive procurement.  Patients should be attentive to the indications for the specific wheelchair.  Our practice is experienced and qualified to determine the exact indication of a wheelchair.  We are directly involved in the prescribing and dispensing of wheelchairs with rehabilitation and mobility in mind.  Factors that need to be taken into account are the:

  • duty cycle – permanent dependency or assistive dependency
  • caregivers capabilities – weight and collapsibility of the wheelchair
  • patient weight – strength and width of the wheelchair
  • logistics – transportability and collapsibility
  • operating surface and conditions – wheel size and tyre type
  • availability of after sales service and spares
  • posture control and adjustability

High activity and lightweight wheelchairs obviously differ dramatically from post-operative temporary use wheelchairs.  Wheelchairs for specialised needs can cost as much as R160 000.

Wheelchair cushions are once again a minefield of options and indications.  We supply Jay2, ROHO, Conradie, Polyurethane Memory foam and standard Medimat cushions as indicated.  These cushions are recommended and supplied based on clinical factors.

Commodes, bathroom solutions and transfer devices complement the mobility solutions suite of services.